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He comes to accomplish the prophecy
Sometime, we ought to answer a dull question even though he who receives the answer of its question refuses to accept our answer.
Our answer seems to be wrong for him, and that he might remark us as a stupid one.
He will not believes our answer is correct, and refuse to believe what Christianity is
Here is the question that probably you will smile when you heard comes to you.
What is evidence for the ascension of Jesus?
Well, first of all, the ascension of Jesus is consistent with the ancient prophecies.
Secondly, the ascension of Jesus is recognized as the goal of the gospel story.
Thirdly, Jesus announced it Himself.
Forth, others reported it.
Fifth, Jesus said that He will return!
Well, what is the difficulty accepting those answers? If you see my answers aren’t hit the question, you can check in these verses:
1. John 6:62
2. Acts 3:21
3. Ephesians 1:20-22
He comes to accomplish the prophecy
Lord, when I have a hammer like YOU, every problem becomes a nail. =)
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Dear Erick,...
Dear Erick,...
First of all, in my humble opinion, it's not a dull question whatsoever. It looks dull because we see it from our perspective of faith, not theirs (by the way, it's the same vice versa, ha..ha..). But don't get me wrong. I'm not a Jew myself, nor a Judaism devoter. Just trying my best to rectify the situation here.
Secondly, they don't consider New Testament a holy scripture. So, whatever verse you come up with about Jesus' ascension, they just simply won't buy it. Our (only) best chance is to show them NT verses related directly to the Old Testament, which is their sole authoritative holy scripture. Unfortunately (for us), some passages are very obscure. They often state something that seemed to be quoted from the OT. But instead of founding some clues, there we don't see any trace of it, which led some scholars to think that those passages were quoted from LXX, or another unknown resource(s) yet to be found.
Lastly, you pronounced that Jesus comes to accomplish prophecy. But here is an ample consideration related to the Jews' disbelief that Jesus did not accomplish (I beg your pardon, perhaps the word "fulfill" suites better here?) prophecies accredited to Him by the Christians:
1. He is not a pure descendant of David, as Christian belief already proposed Him as a Son of a virgin. So, He is clearly not the Messiah foretold in the OT.
2. He didn't gather all the Jews back to the Promised Land, neither did He unite the southern and northern Kingdom (Isa 11:10-14; Isa 43:5-6).
3. He also didn't build their third temple (Eze 37:26-28).
You can dig up more if you love to. All information about that subject have been made public. But I guess that's all for now. Blessed you cutie, errr,..I mean, Erick.
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(...shema'an qoli, adonai...)
Jew is still waiting for Jesus’ coming
Well, I tried to answer the question with no dull answer such as; you find not his body, or more than 10 people saw that Jesus was carried up into heaven.
1. Ok, Jew still is waiting for Jesus’ coming. There’s no point important to explain them about the resurrection. How they will accept my fairytale about a shiny star that guide some magi to Bethlehem.
2. If they don’t consider New Testament as a holy scripture, they fooled themselves because revelation was written far-far before Luke wrote his book. They accept and use Revelation though.
3. When I chose my title as “He comes to accomplish the prophecy” the aim was relate back to the Old Testament. They have it, they understand it well.
Jesus will build a temple of His own. Yeah,... better see this question from others perspective as long as it based on Bible, not from what their brain solutions, nor from what issue they have heard.
Lord, when I have a hammer like YOU, every problem becomes a nail. =)
My fellow Erick...
Well then,
I guess there must've been some kind of misunderstanding here
When I first read your article, I came to perceive that you're talking about Judaism and islam, the other two abrahamic religions well known for their refusal of Jesus' ascension to heaven, not to mention His Godness. Since Islam doesn't share the same scripture as we do with Judaism, I put Islam aside. Hence I started to talk about Judaism, which is largely embraced by the Jews. Anyway, I should have confirmed it to you, so the fault is mine; sorry for that.
Back to our subject, for christian Jews (not Jews who embrace Judaism), ofcourse they're still waiting for His (second) coming, for they are christians, too. The problem is with the Jews who choose Judaism as their way of life. They are the focus of my argument. As for my previous posting, it was clearly intended to expose the reasons behind their disbelief in Jesus, which in turn (I do hope so) would give you an enlightenment for your curiosity (which is, their ignorance of Jesus' ascension, despite the strong NT verses you come up with, correct?). And since I'm a christian too, I do believe that Jesus is coming soon.
Thanks for your input, Erick!
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