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minmerry's blog

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Double Esspresso - Part Of Mine


Manusia, mengingat banyak hal dalam hidupnya.

Bisakah ingatan itu berubah? Atau tertutup dengan ingatan lain?

Atau, diriku yang membuat itu berubah?

minmerry's picture

Double Esspresso - Stand A Chance


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Double Esspresso - From A Heart to Joli



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@Double Esspresso - Not My Miracle


Selalu ada kesedihan dimana-mana.

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@Double Esspresso - Temptation



espresso, another story

Semua orang memiliki hal yang disukai. Tentu saja.
minmerry's picture

@Double Esspresso - Dolphins


Aku masih mencari.

Siapa yang mewakiliku, berdoa?
Siapa yang ingat untuk mengangguku, dan menemaniku bermain?
Mungkin itu, yang selalu muncul dipikiran seekor lumba-lumba.
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@Double Esspresso - In His Presence



There can be such sweet reward
When we wait upon the Lord
As we take the time, he give us his perfect wisdom
To be found in Him alone,
All our deepest secrets kwnon,
we're surrounded by his grace
When we seek his face
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Double Esspresso - When The Eyes Open...


Where to put all my memories?

Why they always keep continue and never stops?

Where the purpose i walk into?

Close my eyes.

Fall asleep.


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Double Esspresso - Something Beautiful



may be,...Luck. 


ehm... yep,

still Pray....

its something beautiful. sesuatu yang indah.

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Double Esspresso - Another Day with a Cup of...


katanya, semangat itu seperti cahaya. hangat dan menular. semangat selalu akan membuat diriku tersenyum, tanpa aku sadari.
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Double Esspresso - A Rainy Day


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Double Esspresso - His Ring



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i skipped the alert, am i a murderer?

nah, ...writting in the middle of the midnight..beautiful moment to write...


this happened, bener bener true story. kejadiannya terjadi paaaas... di pagi yang cerah. minggu. pagi dimana g dan my sis in law (SIL) siap siap mo pg ke gereja.

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Past, Present, Future

here i am. in the beautiful evening, wrtting a blog.
Mengagumi daun daun yang jatuh tertiup angin, menangis sepenuh hati menonton Endless love, My sassy Girl –yes adalah hal yang biasa.
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keeping secrets --- bringing key


this is really a beautiful night to write a blog or,  to learn, to read, to enjoy the loneliness, to think, to plan, to start, to end.


everyone has a secret. adults do the secrets.

and secrets don't have limits.

human, to keep a secret can caused a lie. we re human, we re adults.

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pedicure is a good thing

Sabtu lalu, sekitar jam 7.30 malam, g ikutan kelas P.A Aldersgate----> Kelas P. A u pemuda. Yang ikutan, kebanyakan lebih muda dari g.

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my stupidtivity drowning

Sejak Jobless (baru 2 minggu sih), now, on Monday, March 30, 2009, g uda mulai terserang Postjobless Syndrome (this syndrome, I named it myself- But I know, u guys know how it feels like. hehehe).

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korean dramas is so much more simple

boring, boring...sangke masi di Luar Negri. biasanya dia nemenin dinner, ngobrol, etc. dia rada gila, g juga bisa ngimbangin kegilaan dia. now, so much missing him. ok, this blog not just bout him. this bout me. not exactly. am i too centil rite now?

minmerry's picture

the one who asked for a Doraemon

Dingin. Uda midnait. My –nulis- preparation dah completed. Kaos kaki, piyama, bantal, kaos tangan, dan segalon air mineral.


Malam ini ga ke kebaktian doa---mobil dipinjem, sangke – sang kekasih sedang keluar negri so ga isa nganterin—biasanya kita doa bareng, so…doa ndirian deh di rumah.


Doa. Sampe sekarang, g masi ga tahu gimana doa yg indah bagi Tuhan. Masi sering berpikir, ‘Kalo Tuhan dengar Doa g, Tuhan bisa ketawa ato ngomel ngomel ya?’

minmerry's picture

he tell a story bout "Adam's Apple"

tell u, papa g dulu sering bercerita darimana datangnya "Adam's Apple"

g masi ingat dulu setelah makan malam, g akan lompat ke pangkuan papa, dia akan memeluk g dan mulai bercerita. he is not that smart, but he is the most wonderful dad i ever had. (i have to mention, saat itu perutnya buncit, haha)