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erick's blog

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Not 4 under 18


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Teologi Sukses dikenal dengan Ajaran yang mengajarkan hidup berkelimpahan dan kemakmuran. Dalam ajarannya menekankan bahwa Allah kita adalah Allah yang Maha Besar, Kaya dan Penuh Berkat.

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Buat Temanku

Mungkin lebih mudah berdoa tanpa mengungkapkan apa-apa. Mengenai hal yang mencemaskan kita dan objek yang kita doakan kepada Tuhan, Tuhan Sudah tau karena Ia maha tahu. Allah menyukai anaknya mengakui dosa yang telah diperbuatnya, dan memohon ampun, dan bertobat.

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Weary in well-doing

“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”

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Through Thick and Thin

Lord, thank you for providing everything I need to get through life. Thank you for being with me all the time, for carrying me when times get tough.

Help me, God, to seek you when I'm struggling and to be sensitive and willing to help when others are struggling.

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Help me to choose my words when I speak

Holy Speaker; help me to communicate my ideas clearly and honestly and to really listen when others are giving theirs.

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Things that I cannot share with my beloved friends

Saturday night, I was with my friends. We were hang out together, at one modest café nearby, we watched a football game.

The game was supper. My friends they were crazy watched the game, the soda, and the chit-chat.

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Who is a God like unto Thee?

Who is a God like unto thee, that pardoneth iniquity, and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage? he retaineth not his anger for ever, because he delighteth in mercy.

He will turn again, he will have compassion upon us; he will subdue our iniquities; and thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea.

Micah 7:18,19 KJV


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Reason People Can’t Pray

7 reasons are:

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Please deal with problem that my little brain cannot solve.

Dear God, I am getting discouraged in the work. I feel unfulfilled in the area I am serving in. Help me to remember your blessings and the good that has occurred through my efforts for you. Give me wisdom to improve the thing I should manage. I asked you to deal with problem that my little brain cannot solve. And please help my boss also solving his little problem.I thank you for loyal friends that I cannot buy in market.I love you for love you shared. I love you for trusting me with my time.

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Indahnya terang kemuliaanMu

Tuhan, begitu banyak kegiatan, begitu banyak hal, begitu banyak orang, begitu banyak permasalahan.

Engkau tetap tidak berubah, janjiMu, ketetapanMu, dan kemuliaanMu.

KasihMu tak berkurang, berkatmu tetap melimpah, penyertaanMu tiada henti.

Berkatilah hari ini dengan kebesaran hati an indahnya terang kemuliaanMu.


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Help me with my time

My dear Father, time has gotten from me. Help me figure out where it’s all going and how to make the best use of each day. Let me not put it off till tomorrow.

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Sebenarnya hari ini libur. Tapi kerjaan banyak. Kalau tidak dikerjakan tidak ada yang menyelesaikan.

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With Your Guidance

Dear Lord,


I just enter a new zone. I’ll do the adventure with your guidance. Teach me to have a trusting heart that knows that You is in control, when unfair things happens, when bad things happens, or else.

Only with You I know I’ll be alright, because You are Lord, God and Savior of my life.



Dear Lord,I thank you for your trust in me handle project social for those whom you loved.My eyes crying, my bones yearning.

But God, I need to be loved also.I need your love, touch and your tender words saying you love me. 

Pardon me, but I really need it badly. Amen

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Matius 15: 21-28

Cerita ini banyak dikaitkan dengan penyembuhan ilahi atau muzijat penyembuhan.

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English version

Thank you for blessing the road I walk on
That I'm walking on
I'm sorry for every mistake I fall on
Can't help but fall

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Answering questions

Yesterday, I posted one humor. I didn’t write it my self, I just see one extra ordinary response in answering question, makes us laugh.

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Francaise "Une Priere"


C'est une petite chanteusse Indonesieen qui chante avec son beau voix. Elle est belle, elle est gai, et sexy. Elle s'appelle Anggun Cipta Sasmi.

Je connaissait son papa, il etait un ecrivain pour l'histoire des petites enfants. Ca peut etre son admirateusse (he he he pas sans blaque)

Ici, est-un des ses chansons que j'aime bien. Erick me l'ai donee de disque, j'ai oublie la date.

Cette chanson est didiee pour Dieu, quand on a appercu ce qui est deja t-arrivee. Un peu embarrasant, mais on est human.

Le voila.....

Merci de bénir la route que je marche dessus
Que je marche dessus
Je suis désolé pour chaque erreur que je tombe dessus
Ne peut pas aider mais tomber

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Catalyst for Christian growth

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

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Who goes to heaven?

There was this Christian lady that had to do a lot of traveling for her business so she did a lot of flying. But flying made her nervous so she always took her Bible along with her to read and it helped relax her.