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- http://www.scumoftheearth.net/
- Website Pribadi
- http://chatroulettetrolling.com/
- Hobby dan Minat
Menyanyi lagu-lagu dari Zombie Nation sampai Momus
Main lagu-lagu dari Green Day sampai Dresden DollsNonton film-film Pixar
Isengin orang, mulai dari prank, jadi troll sampai pura-pura serius. Makin serius makin bikin ngakak :-) *wink*
I used to read books, but not anymore. The books read me now.
- Alamat Rumah
current: Axiom Spaceship
future: Hvar (where my wife and I will grow old together)
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- Menyangkul, menanam, menyiangi sawah, mengamati perilaku monyet dan tikus
- Messenger
- reno_rest@yahoo.com
- URL Facebook
- http://www.facebook.com/reno.gunawan
- Member for
- 15 years 5 weeks
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