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manguns's picture


Leonard Cohen 1984, dipopulerkan oleh
Jeff Buckly 1995

Well I heard there was a secret chord that
David played and it pleased the Lord
But you don't really care for music, do you?
Well it goes like this: The fourth, the fifth, The minor fall and the major lift
The baffled king composing Hallelujah

bayem's picture

O Little Kid

 O little kid, keep running.
Out in the field they're playing.
With the sun is shinning, keep on playing.
Finding with the heart of joy.

O little kid, don't you yearning
play in the river flowing.
With the fish you swimming, excapading.
Finding with the heart of joy.

You will see, there is so much more to see.
I hope you like them when you're here,
play with me, dancing with me,
knowing that it’s real.

Play with me, won't you dream and fly with me.
Under this blue sky and the tree.
You and me and the verdant tree.
you and me and the verdant tree.
you and me and the verdant tree for real.

rafiqo's picture

Aku Percaya


Special song from rafiqo torah

Piano pelan (agak berbunyi koor gereja)
Efek elektrik
Bunyi musik khas jawa kemudian musik khas bali
Rythem guitar-lead

Evylia Hardy's picture

Ibuku tidak begitu

Kalau ibu digambarkan sebagai sosok yang lemah lembut, apa boleh buat, ibuku tidak begitu. Panjang sabar? Tidak juga. Tanpa pamrih? Standar saja, untuk bersandar di hari tua.

Kalau dengar lagu "Bunda"-nya Melly, aku rasa orang yang punya ibu seperti itu amat, sangat beruntung. Tetapi berapa banyak di antara kita yang beruntung dikaruniai ibu seperti itu?

jackching's picture

Ku Tahu Pasti

Saat ku memandang dunia,
dan ombak pun datang menghadang...
Ku berseru penuh harap,
kan ada tangan yang menopangku...

Ku tahu pasti,
Kau kan datang menolongku...
Menolongku dan kuatkan diriku...

Dekap aku... Naungiku... Rengkuh aku dalam pelukMu...
Kau angkat ku.... Kuatkan ku... Kau bawa ku dekat denganMu...